Index Index
 remove Remove key-value pairs from containers.Map
    remove(mapObj, keySet) erases all key-value pairs in Map object mapObj that
    are specified by the keySet argument. keySet can be a scalar key or a cell
    array of keys.
    Using remove changes the count of the elements in the Map. 
    Remove Key-Value Pairs from a Map
    Create a map and view the keys and the Count property:
    mKeys = {'a','b','c','d'};
    myValues = [1,2,3,4];
    mapObj = containers.Map(myKeys,myValues);
    mapKeys = keys(mapObj)
    mapCount = mapObj.Count
    The initial map contains four key-value pairs:
    mapKeys = 
        'a'    'b'    'c'    'd'
    mapCount =
    Remove the pairs corresponding to keys b and d:
    keySet = {'b','d'};
    mapKeys = keys(mapObj)
    mapCount = mapObj.Count
    The modified map contains two key-value pairs:
    mapKeys = 
        'a'    'c'
    mapCount =
Help for CSaveContainer/remove is inherited from superclass containers.Map
See Also
Method Details
Defining Class containers.Map
Access public
Sealed false
Static false