Index Index
 containers.Map constructs a Map object.
    myMap = containers.Map() creates an empty object myMap that is an
    instance of the MATLAB containers.Map class. The properties of myMap
    are Count (set to 0), KeyType (set to 'char'), and ValueType (set to
    The Map object is a data structure which is a container for other data.
    It consists of keys and values. A map allows you to retrieve any value 
    from the Map using its corresponding key. 
    myMap = containers.Map(KEYS, VALUES) constructs a Map object myMap that
    contains one or more keys and a value for each of these keys, as 
    specified in the KEYS and VALUES arguments.  A value is some unit of 
    data that you want stored in the Map object and a key is a unique 
    reference to that data.  Either the KEYS or the VALUES array may be a 
    cell array, in which case the actual keys and/or values are extracted 
    from the cell array.  Valid keys are either numeric real scalars, or 
    strings (i.e. char arrays).  Values can be of any type.  The Map's 
    KeyType and ValueType properties are set based on the key and value 
    myMap = containers.Map(KEYS, VALUES, 'uniformValues', B) where B is a 
    logical scalar.  If B is false, this creates a Map object with the 
    ValueType set to 'any'.  If it is true, all values must be of the same 
    myMap = containers.Map('KeyType', kType, 'ValueType', vType) constructs 
    a Map object with no data that uses a key type of kType, and a value
    type of vType. Valid values for kType are the strings: 'char',
    'double', 'single', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64'. Valid values
    for vType are the strings: 'char', 'double', 'single', 'int8', 'uint8',
    'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'int64', 'uint64', 'logical', or
    'any'. The order of the key type and value type arguments is not
    important, but both must be provided.
    To extract a value from a Map:
        myValue = myMap(key);   
    To modify existing key-value pairs in a Map:
        myMap(key) = newValue;       %Set existing key to a new value.
    To add new key-value pairs to a Map:
        myMap(newKey) = newerValue;  
    Values can be deleted from a Map by using the remove method.
    Because a Map is a handle class, calling methods of the object may 
    modify the object itself.
    Map methods:
        isKey       -   Determine whether Map contains given key.
        keys        -   Return cell array of keys of Map.
        values      -   Return cell array of values of Map.
        remove      -   Remove key-value pairs from Map.
        size        -   Return size of Map.
        length      -   Return length of Map.  This is the number of 
                        key-value pairs in Map.
        isempty     -   Determine if Map contains any data.
    Map public fields:
        KeyType     -   Type of key used by this instance of Map.
        ValueType   -   Type of value used by this instance of Map.
        Count       -   Number of key-value pairs in Map.
Class Details
Superclasses handle
Sealed false
Construct on load true
Constructor Summary
Map containers.Map constructs a Map object. 
Property Summary
Count - The number of key-value pairs in this instance of a Map. 
KeyType - The type of key used by this instance of a Map. 
ValueType - The type of value used by this instance of a Map. 
Method Summary
  addlistener Add listener for event. 
  delete Delete a handle object. 
Static   empty  
  eq == (EQ) Test handle equality. 
  findobj Find objects matching specified conditions. 
  findprop Find property of MATLAB handle object. 
  ge >= (GE) Greater than or equal relation for handles. 
  gt > (GT) Greater than relation for handles. 
  isKey Determine whether containers.Map contains key 
  isempty True for empty containers.Map object. 
Sealed   isvalid Test handle validity. 
  keys Return keys of containers.Map object 
  le <= (LE) Less than or equal relation for handles. 
  length Length of containers.Map object. 
  lt < (LT) Less than relation for handles. 
  ne ~= (NE) Not equal relation for handles. 
  notify Notify listeners of event. 
  remove Remove key-value pairs from containers.Map 
  size Size of containers.Map object 
  values Return values of containers.Map object 
Event Summary
ObjectBeingDestroyed Notifies listeners that a particular object has been destroyed.