 refractiveIndexM Returns the refractive index or indices in
    [mOrdinaryRefractiveIndex, mExtraordinaryRefractiveIndex] = refractiveIndexM(vWavelengths, vTheta)
    [mSlowRefractiveIndex, mFastRefractiveIndex] = refractiveIndexM(vWavelengths, vTheta, vPhi)
    vaccume wavelength [m] angles [rad]
    in uniaxial crystal vOrdinaryRefractiveIndex(iWavelength, iTheta)
    is the ordinary refractive index for
    vWavelengths(iWavelength) and vTheta(iTheta)
    vExtraordinaryRefractiveIndex(iWavelength, iTheta) is the
    extraordinary refractive index for vWavelengths(iWavelength)
    and vTheta(iTheta)
    in biaxial crystal vMaxRefractiveIndex(iWavelength, iTheta, iPhi), vMinRefractiveIndex(iWavelength, iTheta, iPhi)
    are the two refractive indices for vWavelengths(iWavelength), vTheta(iTheta) and vPhi(iTheta)
Help for Sapphire/refractiveIndexM is inherited from superclass CMaterial
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Defining Class CMaterial
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Sealed false
Static false