Index Index
 values Return values of containers.Map object
    V = values(mapObj, keySet) returns a cell array of values V that correspond
    to the specified keySet in mapObj. The keySet argument is optional.
    If not specified, it defaults to all keys in the Map.
    Return all values in Map object mapObj:
        mapObj = containers.Map({'a', 'b', 'c'}, ...
                    {'Boston', 'New York', 'Natick'});
        valueSet = values(mapObj)
        valueSet = 
            'Boston'    'New York'   'Natick'
  	Return those values in Map object mapObj that correspond to the keys
  	specified in the input cell array:
        valueSet = values(mapObj, {'a', 'c'}) 
        valueSet = 
            'Boston'   'Natick'
Help for CSaveContainer/values is inherited from superclass containers.Map
See Also
Method Details
Defining Class containers.Map
Access public
Sealed false
Static false