Index | Index |
CGraphicalListener Summary of this class goes here
Detailed explanation goes here
Superclasses | handle |
Sealed | false |
Construct on load | false |
CGraphicalListener | (iNumberOfAxes, caLabels, caLabelUnits) |
m_bIsFirstRun | |
m_caAxes | |
m_caLabelNames | |
m_caLabelUnits | |
m_caLabels | |
m_caRangesSIUnit | |
m_caRangesUserUnits | |
m_hListenerFigure | |
m_iCounter | |
m_iPlotAtEvery | |
m_vAxisID | |
m_vLabelMultipliers |
addlistener | Add listener for event. | |
clearAxes | () - clear all | |
delete | Delete a handle object. | |
dontPlot | ||
eq | == (EQ) Test handle equality. | |
findobj | Find objects matching specified conditions. | |
findprop | Find property of MATLAB handle object. | |
ge | >= (GE) Greater than or equal relation for handles. | |
getAxisMultiplier | ||
protected | getLabelIndex | |
protected | getLabelSettings | |
getLabelString | ||
getRange | ||
gt | > (GT) Greater than relation for handles. | |
isRangeSet | ||
Sealed | isvalid | Test handle validity. |
le | <= (LE) Less than or equal relation for handles. | |
lt | < (LT) Less than relation for handles. | |
ne | ~= (NE) Not equal relation for handles. | |
notify | do it at the end of the Listen function to plot corectly | |
placeOn | (hListenerFigure, vPosition) | |
setAxesRange | ||
setAxesUnits | (sLabel, sUnit) | |
setLabelName | ||
setPlotAtEvery | ||
protected | updateUserUnitRange |
ObjectBeingDestroyed | Notifies listeners that a particular object has been destroyed. |