  obj = CFiberFromTaylor(fExpansionWavelength, vTaylorExpansionCoefficients)
  Creates a fiber with refractive index defined by the Taylor expansion of
  propagation constant (beta or k) around specific wavelength.
  vTaylorExpansionCoefficients defines the expansion
     coefficients in units of s^(n-1) / m, (seconds^(n-1) per
     meter), wher n numbers the elements (n = 1, 2, 3 ...)
     The value of propagation constant (k) is reconstructed
     k = sum_{n=1} vTaylorExpansionCoefficients(n) * omega.^(n-1)/(n-1)!
     In vTaylorExpansionCoefficients contains NaN values these
     values are replaced by corresponding fused silica coefficients.
     e.g. in call:
         fExpansionWavelength = 1030e-9;
         vTaylorExpansionCoefficients = [ ...
             NaN             % 1 / m  - NaN is replaced by corresponding dispersion parameter of fused silica
             NaN             % s / m
             2.39564e-26     % s^2 / m  =  23956.4 fs^2 / m
             3.27635e-41     % s^3 / m  =  32763.5 fs^3 / m
             -2.88576e-56    % s^4 / m  = -28857.6 fs^4 / m
         fiber = CFiberFromTaylor(fExpansionWavelength, vTaylorExpansionCoefficients);
     the first and second elements of vTaylorExpansionCoefficients
     are replaced by k_0 and k_1 of fused silica.
  fExpansionWavelength is the wavelength ([m] in meters) around which the
     expansion is performed.